To Everything (Turn Turn Turn)
So I'm about to say goodbye to my wife and family (read: cat and dog) and leave the country for the next six months. I'm not dreading the deployment, seeing as we should be on a small Army base in Kuwait, but I am becoming disgruntled about it. I would rather be going to Afghanistan, or Israel, or even Iraq. To me, deploying to Kuwait is the military equivalent of riding the tour de France with training wheels. I've been working longer hours than most people for the majority of this homeport, meaning more time away from DKC, all for training that will most likely not be used at all.
Which begs the question: Why did I do all that again?
One of my buddies told me that today in Kuwait it was 132 degrees. 132 DEGREES! Another 12 degrees and you can literally drop an egg on the sidewalk and eat it, because all the bacteria inside will be dead, ask the FDA.
I'm going to buy some property in Finland when I get back.
1 Comments: it in switzerland.
love you, miss you.
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